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Cayden's Story

Friday, March 29, 2013

Memories Captured by Erin Shepley Photography

Tiny Light Cayden is a miracle baby who is now a loving six year old boy. He likes to run and play tag. He also enjoys going to the park and going for rides in his papa’s boat.

Cayden was born extremely premature at 27 weeks with multiple medical issues – organ failure, brain bleeds, lung bleeds and respiratory problems. He is missing part of his brain and another part is damaged. He spent the first few months of his life in the NICU, and also underwent six brain surgeries before he was a year old.  Cayden has recently been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which means multiple injections every day. Now he is also undergoing treatment for inattentive ADD.

But no matter what he has to endure, Cayden is accepting and loving. “He just deals with it with a smile and never complains. He even says ‘thank you mommy’ after I give him two needles!!” This Tiny Light has gross and fine motor delays, but he is working hard at school. The family just takes it day by day. “I hope my boy will grow into a loving man who will be successful, have a family and will give back to society.”

Written by Elaine Yong


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