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Spencer's Story

Monday, April 1, 2013
Images Captured by Melissa Avey Photography

Meet Tiny Light Spencer. This Tiny Light enjoys listening to music and playing with her older sister and new baby brother. Having a diagnosis of Down syndrome does not slow him down one little bit. Spencer is full of love and is always happy to share her joy with others.
Spencer was diagnosed with Down syndrome on her birthday. Her parents recall being upset, not with the diagnosis but with all of the uncertainty that came along with it. They note that there is a wide spectrum of ability for children with Down syndrome and they are constantly learning what Spencer is capable of on a daily basis. Spencer’s parents say their Tiny Light has taught them to be “more patient, to celebrate the little things.”
Despite the challenges Spencer faces, she is a very determined little girl who never gives up. Through her perseverance, her family is confident that she will accomplish anything she wants. As a message to other parents who have children with a similar diagnosis, Spencer’s parents state, “Every child is different. Never underestimate your little one.”
Story by Stephanie Bond


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