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Kaley's Story

Monday, February 25, 2013
Images Captured By Melanie Keenan Photography

Tiny Light Kaley is a determined young lady and is an inspiration to everyone she meets. Despite the challenges she faces, she always perseveres.

Kaley was diagnosed with cerebral palsy in the right hemisphere of her brain shortly after birth. Six years later, doctors found major hearing loss in her left ear and now she wears a hearing aid in her right ear. Two years ago, Kaley was also diagnosed with epilepsy. Her mom Laura says it is difficult for people to understand her daughter wants to be treated the same as any other 10 year old, “People tend to want to do everything for Kaley and she’s so smart that she lets them!”

With an excellent support system, Kaley has been able to accomplish a lot. She loves riding her specialized bike, swimming, and going to therapeutic horseback riding. She also adores her new baby sister Carly.  Laura believes the future for her Tiny Light is limitless.

Written by Elaine Yong


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