Memories Captured by Kelly St. Pierre Photography
Meet Tiny Light Carly Rose. Despite her daily challenges, this sweet eight year old is determined and doesn’t give up, even when she finds something difficult. She loves getting her face painted, playing with her dolls, and visiting the playground and the lake. She is currently in swimming lessons and is exceeding everyone’s expectations.
Carly Rose was born prematurely with hemolytic anemia and congenital heart defects. She was in respiratory distress when she was born and spent the first three days of her life on a respirator and seven weeks total in the NICU. For the first three years of her life, she was very ill and had to fight several infections until her open heart surgery in April 2008. Carly Rose has cognitive impairments, learning difficulties, poor eyesight, and motor skill delays. Despite all this, she communicates well and is very imaginative; she loves telling stories and playing pretend games. She is very sensitive and demonstrates a strong understanding of others’ feelings and shows empathy for those around her.
Her determination, along with support from her therapists and family, has allowed Carly Rose to make progress in many areas of her life. She is able to use a keyboard to write and has recently improved her ability to recall and recognize information. She continues to receive physical and occupational therapy and works hard on her literacy skills. Her family spends a lot of time teaching her practical life skills to ensure she lives a safe and happy life. Her mother says, "Having a differently-abled child with a history of complex and critical healthcare issues has never been easy, but I have learned to accept and embrace who Carly Rose is. We love her exactly as she is."
Story by Emily Harrison
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