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Brandon's Story

Friday, February 15, 2013

Memories Captured by Gabi Moeller Photography

At age four, Tiny Light Brandon was bigger and stronger than his twin brother Denver.  But a very small lump on Brandon’s neck changed his life and challenged him in every way.

After a series of diagnostic tests, the small lump turned out to be Hodgkin’s lymphoma – cancer of the lymphatic system.  When parents Hazel and Olaf received the terrible news, little Brandon kept asking his mother why she was crying.  The chemotherapy made him weak and frail and he would curl up under his blanket, seeking darkness. All his hair fell out.  He had a tough time when a tube was inserted in his nose for medications; he
pleaded, “Mummy don’t do it, please Mummy don’t do it!”

But Brandon and his parents maintained a cheerful attitude when he had to go to the hospital, and the nurses all commented that he was so brave, strong, and positive.
Four years later, Brandon is once again strong and healthy and loves drawing, hockey, soccer, swimming and dancing.

This Tiny Light watches out for his brother, sister, and classmates, and is enjoying his second chance at life.  His mother Hazel says, “The whole journey has been very hard but rewarding because each day we are grateful for his presence. Brandon makes us appreciate life, taking each day at a time and making it count.”
Written by Jayne Akizuki


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