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Ethan's Story

Monday, November 12, 2012

Images Captured by Megan Stewart Photography

Tiny Light Ethan loves hanging out with his brothers, Gavin and Rowen, and enjoys drawing and playing outside in his fort. He also loves constructing gadgets out of Lego and has a natural ability to make anybody laugh.
In 2007, Ethan was diagnosed with autism and pervasive development disorder – a condition characterized by the delay in basic developmental functions. Ethan was unable to communicate verbally until he was four years old and suffered severe tantrums for the first three years of his life. His parents were relieved with a diagnosis as they finally had an answer to the behaviour they knew was not characteristic of other children of the same age. They decided to “attack it full force” and began autism intervention programs to assist them to improve communication with Ethan.
Although Ethan has made exceptional progress after finishing his interventions, he still faces challenges with socialization and adapting to his environment. Through his journey, he has inspired his family to be grateful and happy about what they have. As a message to other families in similar situations, Ethan’s parents say, “It’s okay to have meltdowns and to feel envious of other families who do not go through what you go through day to day...the fact that your child has a label that is totally misunderstood is hard and unfair but you do the best you can. And at the end of the day, if your child is safe and happy, then you have done a great job. Tomorrow is another day and another adventure.”
Story by Stephanie Bond


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