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Benjamin's Story

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Images Captured by Playful Moments Photography

Great things come in small packages and Tiny Light Ben is the perfect example. He was less than five pounds when he was born and at three years old, he is still small for his age, yet he never stops amazing everyone.

Ben had a rough start as a newborn – he was in the NICU for 18 days, followed by another couple of emergency hospital visits in the following months. He has acid reflux disease, plus he has always had trouble feeding. This sweet and happy boy was recently diagnosed with autism along with other challenges along the way.

Despite the tough days, Ben always wakes up the next morning with a sweet smile that will melt your heart. He loves to colour, enjoys being outside and playing with a ball. Though he is very active and always running around, there is nothing this toddler likes better than to cuddle.

For parents David and Tanya, their adopted son is a miracle baby who allows them to experience all the joys of parenting.  “We are so fortunate to have such a lovable, sweet boy like Ben. A boy that can and has beaten the odds.”

Written by Elaine Yong


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