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Dax's Story

Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Images Captured By Anelle Richardson Photography

Tiny Light Dax is a fighter! Born fifteen weeks early, he spent the first four months of his life overcoming what seemed to be impossible circumstances. Now this active toddler spends his days playing with his sisters, listening to stories, and spending time outside. He also loves music and playing with a ball.
When Dax was born, he weighed only 650 grams (1.4 lbs). Though doctors said he was too small and weak to survive, he proved everyone wrong. In the beginning, his lungs were the biggest issue. He was diagnosed with BPD (bronchopulmonary dysplasia) and his lungs were so damaged, his medical team had a hard time keeping him alive. He also had a grade two brain bleed, an enlarged heart with a hole in it, and a looped bowel and subsequent biopsy. In addition, Dax was diagnosed with an eye disease called ROP (retinopathy of prematurity). During this time he also had to deal with kidney stones and an MRSA infection. He pulled through it all and finally made it home on Good Friday. Unfortunately, that was not the end of Dax’s challenges. In October 2011, he was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. That was the beginning of another fight for this little warrior.  
            Dax has recieved conductive therapy and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. With support from family, friends, and the entire community, Dax’s parents were also able to send him to a private camp for children with cerebral palsy. During this five week session, he learned to walk independently! He just underwent eye surgery and will continue to receive both physiotherapy and speech therapy. His parents work hard to provide all they can for their son. His mother says, “He has to do the hard part. I just want to always guide him along the right path.  By continuing to look into different therapies and options for Dax, I feel like I am helping him be his best.”

Story by Emily Harrison


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