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Gage's Story

Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Images Captured by Birds On A Wire Photography

Tiny Light Gage is pure love and joy. His laugh is contagious and every morning, this three year old greets his parents with a big smile and winning attitude.

Gage was almost two years old before he was diagnosed with Down syndrome. He has respiratory issues, so he is often sick with a flu or chest cold.  He also has tubes in both ears to help with hearing loss. It has been a steep learning curve for Cheryl and Jay, “As parents, we choose to look past all of the adversity and focus on the positive.”

The family is learning sign language to help with communication. Gage is quickly becoming an expert, picking up new signs every day.  He is also a pro at navigating an iPad. Gage loves dancing, Barney and any sport that involves a ball. In the fall, his parents are enrolling him in a local Special Olympics program.

This Tiny Light is such a treasure. Gage’s family believes nothing is out of his reach.
“He teaches us more than we teach him. We enjoy and treasure every day that we live with Gage and could not be happier. He has truly made us better people. He takes our breath away!”

Written by Elaine Yong


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