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Julia's Story

Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Images Captured by Nostalgia Photography

Tiny Light Julia makes no excuses – she conquers anything to which she puts her mind.  This friendly five-year-old is so outgoing, she brings smiles to everyone and can make a total stranger feel like the most important person in the world.

At the age of three, Julia was diagnosed with a rare genetic condition known as chromosome 14q32.3 terminal deletion syndrome.  This is the loss of genes at the end of chromosome 14, and can cause a variety of effects, including delayed growth and development.  Julia also has a seizure disorder and hypoplasia of the corpus callosum – the band of white matter connecting the two hemispheres in the brain is underdeveloped.

It has been difficult for parents David and Liz to watch their younger daughter struggle to achieve the smallest tasks.  But Julia is developing and growing in such an incredible way.  “She has opened up our eyes to other kids and families dealing with special needs.  She has brought such a fresh perspective of life.”

This Tiny Light is a great big sister to brother Jacob, and she adores being little sister to Rebekah.  She loves colouring and pretending to write letters.  She also enjoys playing with Barbie dolls.  Every day, Julie shows her family she can surpass any expectation.  “Potential is not based on genes that you’re given, but on the environment they are put in.  The possibilities are not limited.”

Written by Elaine Yong


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