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Jax's Story

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Images Captured by CM Photo Art

This spirited little man loves to climb and is always up for a game of peek-a-boo. Utter the word “bonk” in front of Jax and he will playfully bonk his head. One of his top priorities is to master jumping! Jax’s strength and resilience have amazed his parents.

Jax had a precarious start to life. When his mother Shannon was merely 12 weeks into her pregnancy, the doctor gave the family devastating news - their baby had a hypoplastic left heart and an extremely rare criss-cross heart. "I was so scared, I felt like dying inside. I cried every day and I prayed myself to sleep."

When Jax was born, Shannon had only 30 seconds to hold him. She was never able to nurse Jax because his little body was too weak. It was terrifying to wait while Jax underwent his first surgery when he was one week old, the Norwood procedure. His tiny body was hooked up to 34 tubes and wires. Then Jax endured another surgery (the Glenn procedure) at 5 months. But despite all the obstacles and struggles, this brave little man survived and is thriving!

There are more surgeries in this Tiny Light's future, but parents Shannon and Michael are grateful for every moment they have with Jax. "Everyday I am thankful. I hope Jax is everything he ever wants to be. I want him just to be happy."

written by Tara Anderson


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