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Eila's Story

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Images Captured by Anna Epp Photography

Eight year old Eila has an amazing ability to bring joy to everyone around her. This Tiny Light loves music, silly sounds, and toys that light up or play music. She is happiest when swimming, interacting with other children, and horseback riding. This beautiful little girl touches the lives of everyone she meets. In her mother’s words, “She is a magnet for smiles, brightness and good.”

Eila’s parents Angie and Jeremy took a list of concerns to her six month check up and were referred to a paediatrician. Over the past eight years, Eila has undergone numerous tests and met many doctors. She has been diagnosed with global developmental delays and microcephaly - a genetic condition which causes an abnormally small head - but the causes are unknown. Doctors feel she has many indicators to explain a genetic mutation or deletion but nothing has shown up yet in testing. Her parents hope that sometime in the future, genetics research will provide an explanation for Eila’s condition.

Eila requires help with all aspects of daily living, including feeding, bathing, and dressing. She is not yet able to communicate but she understands far more than people may think she does. The family continue to work on cause and effect and choice-making skills, hoping to one day progress to picture cards or technology to help her communicate. Her parents hope their daughter continues to be “happy, healthy and always adored.” 

Story by Emily Harrison


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