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Oliver's Story

Monday, March 25, 2013

Memories captured by Michelle Wells Photography

Tiny Light Oliver was born with a unique set of challenges that sent him into surgery within the first five hours of his life.   In the womb, his large intestine had never fully formed, leaving him with an imperforated anus. This meant waste couldn’t leave his body.  During his first year, Oliver endured four difficult surgeries, plus numerous and extended hospital visits and tests.  

Now two years old, Oliver is a happy and curious boy.  He is a proud big brother and enjoys playing, exploring, climbing and dancing.  His laugh and smile are infectious and his family continues to be inspired by his perseverance and bravery.

Oliver’s health will continue to be monitored and it is uncertain what surgeries and procedures will be necessary to maintain his health.  But his family maintains a positive outlook and has high hopes for this Tiny Light.   Oliver’s father has a simple wish for his son - “...that he is comfortable and always happy with who he is and knows that despite where he's been, he is an incredible person.”

Written by Angela Funk


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