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Hope's Story

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Memories Captured by Cindy Moliski Photography

One year old Hope has already made a lasting impact on everyone that knows her.  This Tiny Light shows incredible strength and a strong will to live, despite all the challenges she faces on a daily basis. Hope loves music and smiles at her brother and sister when they sing to her. She loves hugs and kisses and having her back rubbed. Hope also enjoys bath time and smiles the whole time while she plays and tries to swim.

When Hope’s mother was 20 weeks pregnant, she found out that her daughter would be born with microcephaly and alobar holoprosencephaly, a condition in which the brain fails to split into two hemispheres. Hope has one solid brain and most of her brain is fluid, though her brain stem is fully intact. Her middle facial features failed to develop, so she has a severe cleft lip, no palate, and no cartilage in her nose. Hope also has diabetes insipidus and suffers from seizures. 

When she was born, doctors did not believe that Hope would survive, but her loving parents would not give up on her. It has been a long, frustrating battle to get her the medical care she needs. While no one knows what the future holds for this little fighter, her parents have faith that their daughter will continue to prove to everyone that strength and determination goes a long way. “We take each day with her as a special gift we have been given...we treasure every single moment we have with her. She inspires us to move forward and live each day to the fullest, all the while fighting for her to get the very best medical care she deserves.”

Story by Emily Harrison


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