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Alexandra's Story

Friday, March 1, 2013

Memories Captured By Bobbi Ryan Photography

Tiny Light Alexandra has been a miracle right from the start. After struggling with infertility for years, Julie Anne and Curtis sent in all the paperwork for adoption. One week later, they found out they were pregnant with Alexandra. However their daughter’s arrival also came with a lengthy list of major health problems.

Along with a very rare liver disorder, Alexandra also had a tethered spinal cord and a heart condition. This strong and resilient little girl has been through countless treatments and surgeries, many done at hospitals in other cities away from home in Saskatoon. On top of all that, when she was in Chicago in 2010 for special liver surgery, she was diagnosed with cancer. “We had come to Chicago for this major surgery, expecting good outcomes and being hopeful, and now we were faced with an entirely new and sinister diagnosis.” It took seven weeks post-surgery before Alexandra was well enough to fly home to begin months of chemotherapy. She got through it and has been cancer free for two years now.

The six year old has just undergone yet more surgery to repair her heart condition. But despite her health problems and developmental delays, Alexandra is a happy and loving girl. She gives the best hugs in the world and is full of laughs. She is a fantastic big sister to her two little brothers, with another sibling on the way.  “Alexandra is such a light in our lives. She is a tiny girl with a big personality and a big heart!”

Written by Elaine Yong


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