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Amy's Story

Monday, January 21, 2013
Images Captured by Joel Smith Photography

Tiny light Amy enjoys singing, dancing and greeting everyone she encounters with a big smile. She especially loves spending time playing tag with her sisters Elise and Claire.
Just minutes after her birth, Amy was diagnosed with Down syndrome. Amy has been lucky and has not had many of the medical conditions associated with the syndrome, but she did have her tonsils and adenoids removed to assist with sleeping and breathing issues. She also had tubes inserted into her ears in order to drain fluid and improve her hearing.
Amy undergoes occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech therapy to continually improve her quality of life. Her parents state that the most difficult aspect of their journey has been evaluating her developmental milestones. They are repeatedly faced with questions such as, “Are we doing enough? Or should we just let her...develop at her own pace?” They credit this “balancing act” with teaching them to slow down and appreciate life in a much deeper way.
Witnessing Amy’s determination to accomplish a task or reach a milestone inspires her family’s own perseverance. As a message to other families dealing with similar circumstances, Amy’s parents note that “it is a wonderful journey that will have hard days but...your child...will change your family in (good) ways you never expected.”
Story by Stephanie Bond


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