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Zachary's Story

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Images Captured by Joel Smith Photography

Tiny Light Zachary loves music, drawing and hanging out with younger sister Jocelyn. He also loves playing games on his parents’ iPad and can use it better than they can!
This Tiny Light met all his developmental milestones until 12 months of age when he began to lose his words and regress. Just two weeks before Zachary’s 2nd birthday, he was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. His parents’ initial reaction to his diagnosis was, “What do we do now? How are we going to manage?” They decided to enroll Zachary in a special preschool for children with autism and credit the skills he has learned there as the most amazing part of their journey. “Zachary can request items he wants, he can ask for a drink when he is thirsty, food when he is hungry and other basic needs.” There are all things they didn’t think he’d ever do.
Zachary’s parents say that the most inspiring aspect of their journey is going to the Summit Centre and seeing how hard their son works. As they say, “He wants to please, he wants to do well.” Their dream is to one day see Zachary in a regular classroom, talking and socializing with his peers.
As a message to other families, Zachary’s parents say, “Don’t set any limits on your child...if you think that your child can do anything...[they] will give it a try.” Zachary has shown his parents that “...he is taking life on full force, so [they] will allow him to do it and will help him every step of the way!”
Story by Stephanie Bond


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