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Brooklyn's Story

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Images Captured by Jodie Hadden Photography

Tiny Light Brooklyn is known to her family as the “Little Warrior”. She loves to bounce in her bouncy chair, discover new things and most of all, laugh and smile.
Brooklyn was born at 25 weeks gestation and was kept in the hospital for a total of 115 days. On day two after her birth, doctors informed Brooklyn’s family that she had a bilateral grade 4 brain bleed with the possibility of cerebral palsy. It was noted that her condition was severe and that the outcome was uncertain.
Brooklyn’s parents state that the hardest part of the journey has been, and continues to be, the unknown. They are unsure of what Brooklyn’s future needs will be as she is also at risk for learning disabilities and developmental delays. Her condition is consistently monitored to ensure that she has “every possible chance to have the best possible life.”
This Tiny Light’s will to fight inspires her family and provides them with a genuine appreciation for the everyday thing. As a message to other families dealing with similar situations, Brooklyn’s parents say these little warriors are truly amazing. “Don’t treat them like they are any different because they will surprise you and they will amaze you with everything that they do.”
Story by Stephanie Bond


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