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Nolan's Story

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Memories Captured by Charmaine Poulin Photography

This is Tiny Light Nolan. He is more than just a boy, he is a warrior and fighter who loves freely. He can say more with his smile then some children do with a full day of words. If this six year old had his way, he and his parents would spend all their time outdoors. They would camp and fish, even on the ice! His cousins would make frequent visits and at night they would top it off with a trip to the hot tub.

Nolan has had infantile spasms since birth, sometimes as many as 100 a day. When he was six months old and had yet to hit any milestones, his parents took him to doctor after doctor trying to find some answers. Finally, Nolan was diagnosed with West syndrome, a rare epileptic disorder in babies. He also has cerebral palsy, CVI and scoliosis. He has been hospitalized several times for aspiration pneumonia and lung issues.

Now Nolan is on a ketogenic diet and that has reduced his seizures to around one every week. He is thriving and enjoying school, making strides in his development. He may not be able to speak, but this Tiny Light has a sense of humour and knows how to get his point across loud and clear in facial expressions and body language. "He has been through more in his life than some do in a lifetime and he still has a beautiful smile. He does not shy away from anyone, and he is always smiling."

written by Tara Anderson


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