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Alyssa's Story

Monday, September 3, 2012
Images Captured By Julie C Butler Photography

Don’t let Tiny Light Alyssa fool you if she is shy at first. Once she warms up, she might not stop talking. Stick around long enough and this five year old will enact an elaborate birthday party too. Alyssa loves dancing, swimming and soccer. She is particularly good at gymnastics, especially climbing and swinging on ropes.

Alyssa was diagnosed with pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukemia just three days after starting junior kindergarten. She is now undergoing two and a half years of chemotherapy. This involves many hospital visits, spinal punctures, needles and pills. Her mom Linda says, “Alyssa has shown amazing bravery through her treatments. She faces needles better than many adults I know. She doesn’t cry with needles and she gets many.”

The diagnosis and treatment has not been easy for the family. Linda is a single mom to Alyssa and her little sister Calleigh, but together, they are working through the tough times. After missing a year of school, Alyssa started senior kindergarten this fall. There is a lot of hope for this Tiny Light. “Keep holding on to that hope as much as you can and as hard as you can.”

Written by Elaine Yong


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