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Sarah's Story

Monday, July 2, 2012

Images Captured by Melissa DePape Photography

The first few weeks of Sarah's life were spent in the hospital because she was unable to eat on her own.  A genetic test was done after she started missing milestones and an answer was found to the concerns her family was having.  Sarah was diagnosed with a rare chromosome deletion which has resulted in global delays and feeding obstacles.  Unfortunately, there are no other documented cases of the same deletion to date.

Since her diagnosis, her family has learned she also has a seizure disorder.  Sarah has started Anat Baniel Therapy, which has resulted in positive changes both physically and cognitively for her.  Through online groups, her mom has met other parents who have children with unique diagnoses, making the journey a little less lonely.

Now, at three years of age, Sarah can walk and works hard to keep up to her big sister Lily.  She is learning sign language and loves to attend preschool.  Sarah absolutely adores Lily, is extremely affectionate with her kitty and loves to dance.  Just like all other little girls, she manages to get herself into trouble - she can often be found climbing on everything. 
Sarah has recently found her independence; learning how to communicate her strong opinions however she can. 

Though it has been tough for Sarah's family to deal with an unknown future, this Tiny Light makes it all worthwhile. "As each month passes and we see her continue to grow and change, we are inspired by her smile and hard work. We will continue to work hard ourselves to supper her wherever her dreams take her."

written by Kristi Hall-Busque


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