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Lilli's Story

Monday, November 19, 2012
Images Captured By Kira Beriault Photography

Meet Tiny Light Lilli. Despite the challenges she has faced so far, this beautiful little girl remains happy and strong. She loves cuddles and going to the park to watch her sister’s soccer games.   

Following a typical pregnancy, Lilli was born five weeks early. She had some trouble breathing due to a deviated septum (a crooked bone in her nose), but this was quickly corrected. Lilli was also diagnosed with dextrocardia, a condition in which the heart is on the right side of her body, rather than the left. This alone is not a concern, but further testing revealed more heart defects: both a ventricular septal defect (VSD) and an atrial septal defect (ASD). She also had a very large patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) and a contorted aorta. When she was just 13 days old, Lilli received heart surgery and it was a huge success. After 41 days in the hospital, she was finally able to return home, where she is now thriving.

Lilli will grow up to be a happy, healthy little girl. She will be followed by a cardiologist for the rest of her life and may require surgery again in the future, but her parents hope that this will not be necessary. They encourage other parents facing similar circumstances to remain positive: “Please, please, please do not ever lose faith. Children are so very resilient and we must give them and their health care providers credit where credit is due. Medicine has come so far and miracles happen every day.”     

Story by Emily Harrison


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