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Chloe's Story

Friday, August 10, 2012
Images Captured By Alana Couch Photography

Meet Tiny Light Chloe. This sweet girl was born in the Philippines and moved to Canada when she was just a few months old. Chloe is a very loving baby who brings immense joy to her parents. She enjoys listening to music, especially Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and loves Dora the Explorer! Chloe is growing quickly…she is active and energetic and is just starting to walk and talk.

Chloe was born with Down syndrome and an atrioventricular septal defect (AVSD). When she was two months old, she underwent her first surgical procedure, a patent ductus arteriosus ligation. Two weeks after arriving in Canada, she had a bad cough and was taken to the emergency room. It was then that her parents found out she needed to go in for another urgent open heart surgery. It came as a complete shock because they were told by doctors in the Philippines that she would not require another surgery until she was two years old. In contrast, Canadian doctors provide this corrective surgery before six months of age.

These are challenging times for Chloe’s parents, as they are new to this country and are facing this situation alone. However, they are proud of their daughter and are hoping and praying for the best for her future.

Story by Emily Harrison


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