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Shalynn's Story

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Images Captured by Rhonda Steed Photography

To know Tiny Light Shalynn is to love her.  This five-year old is a gregarious, charming, joyous little girl who inspires and amazes her parents. A perfect day for Shalynn would include swimming, helping out her father on the farm, playing with her little brother Jaxon, and doing anything active.

Shalynn was born six weeks early by emergency cesarean. Parents Jeff and Melanie were shocked when doctors told them their baby had Down syndrome and complete atrioventricular septal defect. After seven weeks in the NICU, they were finally able to bring their daughter home. But three weeks later, Shalynn was back in hospital where she had two cardiac arrests. She spent two and a half months at Calgary Children’s Hospital, plus she underwent heart surgery in Edmonton.  Since then, she has had another two heart surgeries. Now, this resilient and happy girl is doing amazing.

This Tiny Light’s family has chosen to “celebrate her similarities not her differences.” Though they fear the world will place limits on her and exclude her, their hope is that Shalynn’s life is full of everything she loves with nothing out of reach.

Written by Tara Anderson


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