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Noah's Story

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
 Images Captured by Yellow Butterfly Photography

On January 9, 2011, Noah’s parents were shocked to find their son unresponsive after suffering a massive seizure during the night.  He went into status epilepticus, a rare, life-threatening condition in which the brain is in a state of persistent seizure.  After seven months in the ICU, Noah was transferred to a new care facility. Doctors are still trying to determine the underlying cause of his illness and are working hard to optimize seizure management.  Noah’s parents are currently renovating their home to make it accessible for Noah.

At first, doctors did not expect him to survive, but Noah continues to fight.  He has been in a medically induced coma for weeks at a time, has received numerous surgeries and procedures, and has taken many different drugs.  Through all of this, his heart has continued to beat.  He has been unresponsive for over a year and is considered to be comatose, but his family is thankful that he is still alive and is hopeful for the future.

Noah has well over 5,000 people following his story on the Facebook page his parents have set up for him: “Prayers for Noah Facecchia.”  His parents are appreciative of all the support they have received.  "In the midst of so much sadness, despair, fear, and hurt, we have been so amazed by the kindness, care and support from so many people that have heard of our story.  It just made us realize that in bad, there is always good.”

Story by Emily Harrison


Debbie said...

Continued prayers for Noah!

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