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Brinley's Story

Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Images Captured by D4 Photography

Meet Brinley!  This Tiny Light loves to dance, play soccer, colour and play with her big brother.
Brinley was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on November 19th, 2010.  When Brinley’s parents found out she had cancer, it felt like they had been “sucker punched.”  After the doctor told Brinley’s parents she had cancer, they were so lost in their own thoughts that they really heard nothing else.  The following days seem to mash all together.
One of the hardest things they had to do was tell Brinley that her hair was going to fall out.  Most little girls equate long, beautiful hair to being a girl, even princess-like.  Short or no hair means that you are a boy ... at least that’s how Brinley took it.  It was hard for Brinley’s parents to see her crumble knowing that her hair would soon fall out.
As much as Brinley’s mother hates cancer, it has given her the gift of perspective.  It has really altered her whole view on life.  Things that used to be important, no longer hold that much value.  No milestone goes un-noticed.  Brinley takes her needle pokes, surgeries and medication in stride.  She refuses to cover her beautiful bald head and walks with her chin up.  She is not afraid to tell adults and kids alike that she has cancer.
Brinley will undergo chemotherapy for the next two years of her life.  She then will be off treatment for five years, and with some luck, if she doesn't relapse, she will be considered "cured."
“Celebrate the life you have.  Don't waste time in the dark places that our mind wanders to.  Be an advocate for your child; be your child’s voice.”

Story Written by Laura Bellefontaine


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