Images Captured by Devon Hall Photographics
Despite everything Tiny Light Benjamin has gone through, he is always happy and full of smiles. This little boy has been a fighter since he and his twin brother Kyle were born at 25 weeks gestation. Benjamin weighed just 1lb 7oz.
Doctors could not predict the kind of life Benjamin would have after suffering a stroke but parents Gary and Greta wouldn’t give up on their baby boy. He has had many health challenges including surgery to repair a duct that didn’t close at birth. He also had hydrocephalus which required an endoscopic procedure on his brain. Benjamin is fed through a G-J tube and he needs help with his breathing due to lung damage. He is on medication for seizures as well.
Earlier this year, Benjamin became extremely sick from a respiratory virus. He ended up at BC Children’s Hospital for three months and had to be on ECMO (heart-lung machine) for two weeks. Doctors weren’t sure if this brave 4 year old would survive, but he has thrived. “He is back to baseline and even a little further. He is amazing the doctors with his progress since being so sick.”
Benjamin loves playing with his twin brother and younger brother Devon. He enjoys going for walks with the help of a crocodile walker. He also enjoys music and reading books. This Tiny Light and his positive attitude have been such an inspiration to his family. The future is uncertain but his parents have one big wish, “Most of all we hope he just enjoys being who he is.”
Written by Elaine Yong
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