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Wilson's Story

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Images Captured by Sassy Photoz

Meet Tiny Light Wilson. This four year old enjoys a wide variety of activities including swimming, baseball, playing “doctor” and “store”, and jumping on his trampoline. He also loves anything involving music. 

When Wilson was only 2 days old, his parents were told that he had Hirschsprung's disease. His parents felt overwhelmed and didn’t know what this meant for their son. Due to missing ganglion cells in the bottom part of his bowel, Wilson must wear pull-ups and requires irrigations. It is very hard for his mother to watch other kids ask Wilson why he is still in pull-ups, though Wilson himself demonstrates an understanding of his condition and rarely complains. Wilson also has a speech delay. He works very hard to help people understand what he is trying to say.   

Wilson’s mom fears that he will be teased at school and that he may never gain control of his bowels. Though the future is unknown, this family remains hopeful. “Take it one day at a time and follow your gut.” 

Story by Emily Harrison


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