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Sean's Story

Monday, December 5, 2011

Images Captured by Studio 1948

Meet Tiny Light Sean. This 14 year old boy loves video games and playing his electric bass guitar. He knows a lot about cars, is very good with computers, and is a talented artist. His mother also describes him as very mature for his age, as he grew up surrounded by mainly adults (doctors, counselors, and family members). Though he sometimes comes off as a tough guy, he has a heart of gold and will do anything for those he loves.

Sean was born with Congenital Heart Disease (multi-branch pulmonary artery stenosis) and low blood sugar levels. Shortly after his birth, he also developed acid reflux disorder, asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. When Sean started school, his mother noticed that he was having difficulties. Testing showed a learning disability for comprehension and processing. On top of all this, Sean also developed anxiety and depression following two heart surgeries last year, which left him with an aneurism in his chest.

Sean’s mother worries about her son’s health and the fact that he is bullied; however, she is inspired by Sean’s strength and remains positive. “The most amazing thing about all that has happened is that Sean is here, and he has never given up. He is a true fighter and I love him with all my heart and soul.”

Story by Emily Harrison


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