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Mikaela's Story

Thursday, August 11, 2011
Images Captured by Michelle Wells Photography

Meet Mikaela. This Tiny Light is happy doing regular newborn stuff! As long as she is eating she is happy!
Mikaela was born 13 weeks premature. She was one of two co-existing twins in a molar pregnancy. The egg had split into what would have been identical twins, but one didn’t develop. Mikaela did. Because there have only been 300 documented cases of this scenario since 1954, the doctors were unsure how to care for them. After putting up a huge fight, Mikaela’s mother convinced the doctors to let her continue with the pregnancy.

It was found out after Mikaela could not be weaned from oxygen, that she had BPD, a chronic lung disease that affects newborn babies. She will continue to have follow-up appointments every two weeks for this condition. She also has follow-ups for her ROP (retinopathy of prematurity).  She has passed three tests so far!

The most difficult part of this journey for Mikaela’s mom, aside from the health problems that Mikaela has been challenged with, is only getting to see her other daughters on weekends. While it was necessary for her to be with Mikaela, she longed for her other children.

Mikaela has doubled her birth weight, an amazing thing for everyone around her to see. She has also learned how to nurse and come off of CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure). Mikaela continues to progress so much, making every day amazing and spectacular. Mikaela started fighting long before she was even born to live. “The road is long but worth every second. Thinking about the past few months brings tears of joy!” 

Story by Angela Stephen-Dewhurst


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